Family Horizons is happy to offer a wide variety of checking, savings and investment products with competitive rates and no-hassle applications. Whether it’s a share certificate or tax-deferred IRA, each member is insured by NCUA for up to $250,000. To find out more, just click on the account you’re interested in below, or chat with a representative, by clicking the Live Chat graphic at the bottom of this page.
Eligible Family Horizons members can open a variable rate savings account with just $5 and enjoy all of our benefits and services.
You’ll love our Family Horizons regular checking account! Not only is it user-friendly, there are no monthly fees.
Kids Club & Teen Accounts
Claim Your Youth (formerly CU Succeed) is perfect for teenagers (13-17 years old) while kids (12 and under) will love saving money with the Kirby Kangaroo Youth Savings Club.
Share Certificates
High-yielding share certificates provide an alternative to traditional savings accounts, and can be opened with a minimum deposit of $2,500.