Wouldn’t it be great if you could track all of your personal finances with one, easy-to-use tool? That’s the idea behind Famile-Funds– a free personal finance management product from Family Horizons. By using Famile-Funds, you can track all of your Home Banking accounts in one place – including the ones you have with us and those you have with other financial institutions.
More than that, Famile-Funds can help you track your household income, expenses and financial goals … whether you’re saving for a new vehicle, a fantastic vacation, or working to pay down debts. And even better, users of financial management tools like Famile-Funds report saving an average of $100 a month by tracking their spending patterns and setting financial goals. It’s a win-win!
Let us introduce you to Famile-Funds. Call us at 317.352.0423, or stop by one of our branches for a demonstration on how we can help you simplify the management of your household finances.
So how does it work? Try it out yourself by logging into Home Banking.
After your Family Horizons accounts are automatically added, it is easy to bring your complete financial picture into focus.
How To Get The Most Out of Famile-Funds
Add An Account
You can keep tabs on all of your accounts with Famile-Funds…even those outside of Family Horizons. Adding these accounts will help provide you with the complete financial picture you are looking for. Best of all, the process is easy and secure! All you have to do is:
On the Dashboard page of Famile-Funds, click on the “Add” button at the top of the left-hand column.
Select the financial institution by clicking its logo or searching by name or URL.
Enter your account credentials, and Famile-Funds will display transaction and account balance information for any accounts you have with that institution.
Repeat with all additional accounts.
Create A Goal
Whether you want to pay down debt or save for a special purchase, Famile-Funds makes it easy to set goals and track your progress. Here is how you create a goal:
Click on the “Goals” tab, and then click “Add a Goal.” Next, choose the type of goal you want to create.
Fill in the fields to name your goal and set up any specifics.
Repeat for all of your financial goals.
Set a Spending Target
The real power of Famile-Funds is its ability to help you track and manage your finances by setting and monitoring spending targets. All you have to do is:
Click on the “Budget” tab in Famile-Funds, and then click “Add a New Spending Target” to get started.
Complete the fields and pick the tags you want to track for the target.
Name the target and set a monthly limit
Track the accounts that will count towards the target.
Repeat for other spending categories.
Trying to figure out where to start? Some of the most common expenses to track are groceries, transportation, and dining out. You could also add categories like babysitting, recreation or entertainment…whatever fits your personal spending habits.
Get Started
Now that you have been introduced to Famile-Funds, login to Home Banking and Famile-Funds to get started. If you have any questions, you can chat with a representative right now by clicking the Live Chat link at the bottom of this page. Or feel free to visit one of our branch locations for personal help!